EL-i kaasrahastatud projekti IncuVET (2014-2016) visioon on toetada ja edendada kutekoolide innovaatilist rolli kohaliku ning piirkondlike ettevõtluse arendajana. Kutseõppeasutused hõlmavad oma tegevustes mitmeid sidusrühmi: omavalitsused, tööandjad, alustavad ettevõtjad, õpetajad ja õpilased. Kõik need sidusrühmad koos aitavad ellu viia õppekavad, mis on tihedalt põimitud ettevõtlusega ning see annab võimaluse üksteiselt õppida läbi koostöö, mis on suureks väärtuseks koolidele, õpilastele ning kohalikele ettevõtjatele.

MÕTTEVIISI MUUTMINE Projekt pakub avatud ruumi, kus kõik huvitatud sidusrühmad (õpetajad, tööandjad, ettevõtjad, üliõpilased, kohalike omavalitsuste esindajad, ühiskondlikud organisatsioonid) alustavad avastamise protsessi ja arutelu, et vaadata suuremas pildis, millist rolli peaks ettevõtlus mängima ühiskonnas ja hariduses.

UUTE IDEEDE VÄLJATÖÖTAMINE Projekti motoks on “Ühtegi ideed ei jäeta kõrvale”. Loovusele ja jätkusuutlikkusele pannakse suurt rõhku. Selleks, et luua sobivad tingimused uute ideede tekkimisele tuleb luua sidemed igapäeva eluga ning interdistsiplinaarne ehk erialade ja valdkonnaülene koostöö.

LISAVÄÄRTUSE LOOMINE Projekti eesmärk on luua ja tagada tingimused, et uued ideed ei jääks ainult mõttetasandile, vaid rakenduksid elujõuliste äriideedena, innovaatiliste toodete ja teenustena, uute õpetamisemeetoditena, kaasava sotsiaalse süsteemina, kultuurisündmustena ja lisaväärtuse loomisena. Samas luues panuse majanduslikus, sotsiaalses, kultuurilises ja keskkonnaalases arengus kohalikel turgudel ja kutseõppeasutustes.

IncuVET projekti eesmärgiks on leida õige tasakaal ja põimida need kolm kihti ja õppida olemasolevatest algatustest. Projekt on ülesse ehitatud ideede vahetamisele, kogemuste ja praktikate jagamisele partneritega läbi nelja seminari vormis õppereisi ning külastades parimaid praktilisi näiteid neljas Euroopa riigis (Soome, Hispaania, Kreeka, Belgia). Samas luues ka koostöövõimalusi uute partneritega üle kogu Euroopa, kaasates nende teadmisi ja praktikaid projekti teadmistebaasi ja Euroopa ettevõtlushariduse informatsiooni- keskustesse ning kutsekoolidesse.


IncuVET ootab külalispartnerite panuseid ning on avatud sünergiale ja koostööle, kui soovite anda oma sisendi kutsehariduse ettevõtluse hariduse arendamisel.



Väljakutse: kutsekoolide võitlus vanamoodsate arusaamadega

Kutsehariduskoolid oma aktuaalsete õppekavade ja tihedate koostöösidemetega tööturul, on konkurentsitus positsioonis, et viia edasi perspektiivikat ettevõtlusõppe plaani.

Kutsehariduskoolide õppekavades on välja töötatud spetsiaalsed ainekursused, mis on kohandatud väike-ettevõtete skeemidele ja äriideede võistlustele. Huvitav on tõsiasi, et juba olemasolev positiivne kuvandile on lisandunud viimastel aastatel mure pedagoogiliste aspektide pärast ettevõtluses.

Vaatamata vähesele levikule, võiks kutsekoolide start- up inkubatsiooni osakondade ühendamine endaga kaasa tuua positiivseid tulemusi ettevõtluse loomisel, samuti kutsekoolide õpilaste poolt loodud ettevõtete edukust näitavaid numbrite tõusu.

Juba see fakt eeldaks tõsisemat süvenemist start- up eelinkubatsiooni teenustesse, et välja tuua oluliseimad elemendid nende loetlemisel.

Ettevõtluse haridus: kutsekoolid, kui regionaalsed ja kohalikud keskused

Kutsekoolide peaksid toetama ja kaasa aitama oma õpilaste ettevõtlik püüdlustele ning muutma oma kutsekoolid regionaalseteks/kohalikeks ettevõtluse keskusteks.
Kaugeltki mitte utoopiline nägemus, mille elluviimiseks on ehk vaja vaid veidi muuta kooli missiooni ja juba olemasolevaid tegevusi, tegevusplaane, arenguplaane. Üldpildi aluseks on IncuVET projekti eesmärk, panna koolid mõtlema teemal “toimiv ettevõtlushariduse ning alustava ettevõtluse toetamise süsteem kutsehariduskoolides”. Sellest lähtuvalt on IncuVET konsortsium ülesandeks määrata kindlaks põhielemendid ja luua nägemus ideaalse kutsehariduse koolipõhise ettevõtluse tugisüsteemiks, kasutades konsortsiumi olemasolevaid teadmisi ja parimaid praktikaid. Lisaks luua teabejagamiskeskus, et koguda materjali, algatada debatte ja diskuteerida antud teemadel, püüdes kinnistada ja viia võimalusel ellu projekti käigus loodud visioonid.

Töötoad: edendades parimaid praktikaid Euroopas

Peamine töövahend IncuVET projektis on neli (4) organiseeritud temaatilist töötuba/ õppevisiiti projektiga kaasatud organisatsioonidesse, mis on tõstetud esile, kui head praktikad Euroopa ettevõtlushariduse. Loe lähemalt töötubadest siin



IncuVET projekti käigus toimub neli (4) temaatilist töötuba/õppereisi, mis toimuvad neljas erinevas projektiga seotud organisatsioonis.
Iga töötuba aitab kaasa ühise edukalt toimiva visiooni loomisele kõigi partnerite poolt. Selleks võetakse arvesse kõigi organisatsioonide kogemused ja parimad praktikad, kes on seotud ettevõtluse õppega. Kutsekoolide roll selles osas on luua väärtulik alusbaas. Peale igat töötuba/õppreisi jagatakse saadud teadmisi kolleegidega ja kõigi kogukonna ning kutsekoolide sihtrühma liikmetega ja teiste sidusrühmadega kohalikul tasandil.

Töötuba 1. Visiooni loomine: Kutsekoolid, kui ettevõtlikkuse keskus
Koht & Aeg: Espoo, Soome- 7/8 Mai 2015

InnoOmnia, innovatsiooni arendamise üksus, mis on Omnia kooli ettevõtluse keskmeks ja heaks näiteks ja suunitluseks antud projektis. Partnerid saavad huvitava kogemuse ja ülevaate kogu kooli hõlmavast lähenemisest ettevõtlusele kutsehariduses.

Tutvu kokkuvõtva memoga (EN) Tutvu programmiga (EN)

Töötuba 2. Tagasi põhitõdede juurde: Starditoetus kutsehariduses
Koht & Aeg: Bilbao, Hispaania- Oktoober 2015

Teine töötuba keskendub eel-inkubatsiooni ja start-up toetamisele kutsehariduses. Partnerid jagavad kogemusi ja diskuteerivad erinevate teenuste ja tööriistade plusside ning miinuste üle antud teemal. Hispaania projektijuht Valnalon ja partner Tknika, kui töörühma võõrustaja näitavad partneritele erinevaid algatusi integreerimaks start-up inkubaatorit kutsekoolidesse.

Tutvu kokkuvõtva memoga (EN) Tutvu programmiga (EN)

Töötuba 3. Oskustest tegudeni: Õpetajate ja õpilaste uus roll ettevõtlik kutsekoolides
Koht & Aeg: Ateena, Kreeka- 3/4 Veebruar 2016

Kolmas töötuba keskendub teemale, millist rolli õpetajad ja õpilased peaksid mängima ettevõtluse põhikompetentside arendamisel. Käsitletakse konkreetseid algatusi, mis on suunatud ettevõtlikkuse tõstmisele nagu näiteks töötoad isiklikuks ja professionaalseks arenguks. Töötoa võõrustajaks on projekti partner Social Enterprise, kes on välja töötanud dünaamilise, interaktiivse isiksuse ja professionaalse arengu töötoa “STARS© Success Yourself”, koostöös Rahvusvahelise Coachingu Federatsiooniga, ning kes omavad laialdast kogemust ja teadmisi kutsehariduse ettevõtluse arendamise ja koolitamise osas.

Töötuba 4. Laiem pilt. Kultuuriline muutus ja sidusrühmade kaasamine
Koht & Aeg: Antwerp, Belgia- Märts 2016

Neljas töötuba keskendub võrgustiku rolli olulisusele ettevõtliku ökosüsteemi kujundamisel kutsekoolides. Ettevõtluse toetuse kvaliteet kutsekoolides on suuresti mõjutatud kolme olulise huvigrupi koosmõjust: strateegiate loojad, kutsekoolid ja tööandjad. Praktikasüsteem on peamine valdkond, kus selline koostöö toimub. SYNTRA Flandria ja SYNTRA koolituskeskuste võrgustik on välja töötanud metoodika ja nad omavad kogemusi noorte ettevõtlikkuse ning ettevõtluse kompetentside arendamisel praktika perioodil.


VEGGIE-FOOD, tasty entrepreneurship at Gamarra Catering School | Gamarra SPAIN

November 2015

VEGGIE-FOOD is a project made by students of Gamarra Culinary School. This project is developed with the intention of promoting a good diet based on the consumption of natural products. This project is made up of students from higher-level training Culinary Management, where most have resumed studies as a career option because of the current labor crisis. Each of them comes from different industrial branches as well as other places but all have the same passion and love for the culinary world.

VEGGIE-FOOD was born as an idea but it can turn into a real business project. Each of the members who make VEGGIE-FOOD offers and brings diverse knowledge, and this makes it rewarding. More here in English and Spanish

Jieha! Ethical Trading Initiative for Young People Programme | Flanders BELGIUM

November 2015

Jieha! is Vlajo’s Ethical Trading Initiative for Young People Programme, providing the opportunity to plan, develop and deliver a business enterprise. All profits from the enterprise are donated to a charity, chosen by the young people involved. Until recently the Programme has been delivered for ten years to pupils aged 14 to 16 years old in schools over a ten to eighteen week timeframe. Delivery of the Jieha! in fulltime education is supported by Coaches who work for Vlajo (Flemish Young Enterprises). The Coaches help pupils and their teachers to develop and deliver the start-up businesses through providing a start-up loan, and ongoing support. The profits from the young people’s enterprises are donated to a charity of their choice. Through this programme young people have the opportunity to move from theory to practice. They gain knowledge about how to start and run a small business, have fun doing so, and experience the feelings of success and achievement. More here

Charity Cake Auction | Pärnu ESTONIA

October 2015

Pärnumaa Vocational Education Centre (PVEC) business administration second year students organized a Charity Cake Auction to celebrate Business week in Estonia. The general aim of the project was to inform people about Pärnumaa Animals Shelter’s situation, their aims and their activities. Students wanted to help them financially, so that they could improve their operations. The direct objective was to get management and project implementation experience. The event took place on 08.10.2015. Students decided to give all the earnings to the Pärnumaa Animals Shelter as they had cooperated with them before. Objectives of the project can be considered to have been met in 100%. Students got really good practice and experience in event planning, organizing. More here

Reto TMP/ TMP Challenge | Asturias SPAIN

May 2015

One way of ensuring that learning is reality-based is to have the local business community directly engaged in the learning process with their expertise and hands-on know-how. In “Reto TMP/ TMP Challenge” local employers (SMEs, NGOs, sole traders) provide real tasks for VET students to work on and learn from. They visit the school and also communicate with the students online. They are a source of practical advice and experience as well as encouragement and motivation throughout the challenge. They are important role models, too. Reto TMP is the brainchild of Valnalon, a brokering organisation bringing together schools and employers.
Real challenges require real solutions for real users. The classroom is our basecamp but what’s really important is action taking place outside the classroom to identify problems, generate ideas, build prototypes and putting them to test with real users while documenting every single step of the process in the blog specifically set up for the challenge: Reto TMP Eva Rogado. More here in English and Spanish.


Article | Tensions in Creating an Innovative Community of Vocational Education and Entrepreneurship

November 2015

New innovations are necessary to ensure and enforce entrepreneurship skill development and working-life-centricity in vocational education. We present an example from Finland. InnoOmnia is a multi-actor knowledge community within a VET organisation. It brings together students, entrepreneurs, and teachers in a non-formal setting where traditional roles are revamped. A number of traditional silos have been broken in order to build a co-learning innovation environment. The transition is not painless, however. Using a large dataset of text and visual content, we identify tensions relating to the transition. The tensions fall under the themes of community borders, operational culture, structures and leadership. InnoOmnia is not perceived as one community. Rather, every participant seems to have his or her own representation of it. Based on these differences, conflicts arise. Our research indicates that an innovative, entrepreneurial community inevitably contains destructive and conflicting forces as well. A key force counterbalancing the tensions is enthusiasm. More here

Report | Skill shortages and gaps in European enterprises

October 2015

The global crisis has increased unemployment in the EU to unprecedented levels, yet many employers claim they have difficulties finding skilled workers to fill their vacancies. This report shows that most vacancy bottlenecks arise because of factors other than general skill deficits, including job offers of poor quality. Genuine skill shortages affect a small group of dynamic, internationally oriented European enterprises in specific economic sectors (health and social care, ICT, advanced manufacturing). To mitigate skill bottlenecks, European companies must commit to offering high-quality apprenticeship places and good-quality jobs, which can be supported as part of a process of social dialogue between VET providers and labour market actors. Ultimately, the business and product market strategies of a greater share of European firms will have to become reliant on higher skill needs. The role of VET in developing creativity and entrepreneurial capacity in the European workforce will be crucial. More here

Research Paper | Entrepreneurship Skills: Literature and policy review

September 2015

Recent research has highlighted the importance of entrepreneurship skills to small business performance. Although there are quite extensive literatures dealing with management and leadership skills more generally, relatively little is known about these particular skill-sets. This project sought to source the key components of ‘entrepreneurship skills’, to identify how they can and cannot be developed, and to draw out possible lessons for UK policy. The review finds that entrepreneurship skills are associated with competence in the process of opportunity identification (and/or creation), the ability to capitalise on identified opportunities and a range of skills associated with developing and implementing business plans to enable such opportunities to be realised. This definition is distinct from, but closely related to, accepted definitions of management and leadership skills. There is evidence that some entrepreneurship skills can be taught and/or learned. However entrepreneurs tend to learn less effectively from the conventional didactic approaches typical of much of the educational sector. The most effective approaches to developing entrepreneurship skills involve experiential learning based around task-oriented development focused on real business problems. More here

Research Paper | How should our schools respond to the demands of the twenty first century labour market? Eight perspectives

February 2015

Young people have never left education more highly qualified and with more years of schooling to their names and yet face record levels of unemployment, too often losing out to older workers in the competition for employment. This new report features interviews with eight leading commentators on the relationship between education and employment. The interviews highlight ways in which the labour market has become more hostile to young people over the last generation. Three key themes emerge: the labour market is more complex and opaque than in the last increasing the significance of careers education especially where it is rich in direct workplace contacts; school to work transitions have become more fractured than in the past demanding new recruitment skills and resiliency from young people; and, employers offering jobs with greatest prospects have changed requirements, expecting young people to be personally effective in applying knowledge in unfamiliar situations demanding that schools place greater emphasis on applied learning and enterprise education.[...]. More here

Final Report | Business & VET Partners for Growth and Competitiveness

September 2014

On September 2014, 345 participants from the worlds of business, policy, education and training met in Brussels to take part in the second Business Forum on Vocational Training. The overarching theme for the Forum was “Business & VET - Partners for Growth and Competitiveness”. The Forum included three targeted workshop sessions and two panel debates. The titles of the workshops, which followed the topics of the Forum, were: Workshop 1 - Meeting skills needs in key sectors // Workshop 2 - Working together on entrepreneurial skills // Workshop 3 - Developing apprenticeships in companies. More here

Final Survey Report | Survey of VET-business cooperation on skills, entrepreneurship and apprenticeships

September 2014

The survey analysis summarises the findings of 91 interviews conducted among large European enterprises, vocational education and training (VET) providers, social partners and sector organisations on challenges and practices related to business-VET collaboration focusing on three main topics: meeting skill needs in sectors of key strategic importance to the EU; business-VET cooperation on entrepreneurial skills; and developing high-quality apprenticeships. The survey was part of the preparation for the second European Business Forum on Vocational Training to hold in Brussels on 23-24 September 2014 under the heading “Business & VET - Partners for Growth and Competitiveness”. The Forum is a high-level event that takes place every two years with participation of all relevant stakeholders from different levels (EU, national, regional, etc.), such as policy makers, companies, SMEs, social partners, VET providers, teachers and trainers, entrepreneurs, guidance practitioners, human resources experts as well as youth and student organisations. More here

Report | Profound Employer Engagement in Education

This report aims to provide a critical review of research and public policy literature concerned with the characteristics of engagement between employers and schools, focusing on school provision for the age group11-18: it does not examine provision in Further Education Colleges or Apprenticeships. More here
